We think cycle to work schemes are great, helping to give more people all the wonderful physical & mental health benefits of cycling.
If you are employed PAYE then you may be able to save up to 42% off the price of a new ebike and accessories and also spread the costs over time through salary sacrifice. It’s almost a no brainer!
SmileBikes belongs to a number of the Cycle to Work schemes including Cyclescheme, Halfords Cycle2work, Vivup and the Green commute initiative. If your Company belongs to a scheme that we are not currently part of we can link to that as well.
We recommend...
It’s simple yet intuitive, with a gear-less drive train and a maintenance free carbon belt. Perfect to just get on and go!
To see how much you can you could save, see the product pages to the right if this text
Ask your employer if they currently run a cycle to work scheme (if not send them our way and we can help then to set one up).
Make an appointment to come see and us at the shop and try out some ebikes for yourself along our countryside test route.
Once you have chosen your ebike, Smilebikes will send you a quotation.
Hand the quotation to your employer.
You will receive a certificate in the post/online
Smilebikes delivers your new bike and gear.
For sale bikes bought through ride to work schemes there is a flat 10% surcharge (unless otherwise stated –
Green Commute Initiative 5%, Halfords 15%)
We have the right to decline the redemption of CYCLESCHEME vouchers for bikes on sale, this is due to the charges we incur to be part of this scheme. If you wish to purchase a bike this way, please contact us directly to discuss.
Orders placed through HALFORDS Cycle2work scheme incur a 5% admin charge on full priced items and 15% admin charge on sale items.
We are not yet able to process cycle to work orders through our website. If you wish to place a order using cycle to work, please contact us by email (info@smilebikes.co.uk) and one of the team will manually process your order.